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AINB (AI Node Binary) is a file format used for AI and logic on Tears of the Kingdom as well as other recent Nintendo EPD games. This article is primarily aimed at the version that appears in Tears of the Kingdom and Super Mario Bros. Wonder (v0x0407). AINB files can be found in the AI, Logic, and Sequence folders of the romfs as well as within various packs.

File Structure

AINB is a little endian format similar to most Switch file formats. An AINB file consists of a set of interconnected nodes which act like a syntax tree and control the behavior of actors. These nodes can also be calls to external AINB files, allowing AINB files to form entire trees of files. The root file of the tree will have .root.ainb as their extension while each module in the tree will have the extension .module.ainb. There are three primary categories of AINB files in TotK: AI, Logic, and Sequence. For AI and Sequence files, the file's entry point is one or more commands which is linked to one or two child nodes. All nodes are accessed by their index (references to precondition nodes will use their precondition node index which is local to the amount of precondition nodes in the file).

All string offsets in the file are relative to the beginning of the string pool and name hashes are 32-bit murmur3 hashes. There are six possible types for AINB parameters: int (signed 32-bit integer), bool, float (32-bit), vector3f, and pointer. Pointer parameters are pointers to objects.

Section Order

  1. 0x74-Byte File Header
  2. Commands
  3. Nodes
  4. Local Blackboard Parameters
  5. Node Bodies
  6. Attachment Parameters
  7. Immediate Parameters
  8. Input/Output Parameters
  9. Multi-Parameters
  10. Resident Update Array
  11. 0x50 Section (Unused in TotK)
  12. Precondition Nodes
  13. Expression Binary
  14. Embedded AINB Files
  15. Entry Strings
  16. File Hashes
  17. Child Replacement Table
  18. 0x6C Section
  19. Enum Resolve Array
  20. String Pool


File Header

AINB files begin with a 0x74 byte header. If the offset for a given section is empty, that section is not present in the file.

File Header
Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x04 char[4] Magic - “AIB “
0x04 0x04 u32 Version (0x0407 in TotK, 0x0404 in S3 and NSS)
0x08 0x04 u32 Filename Offset
0x0C 0x04 u32 Command Count
0x10 0x04 u32 Node Count
0x14 0x04 u32 Precondition Node Count
0x18 0x04 u32 Attachment Parameter Count
0x1C 0x04 u32 Output Node Count
0x20 0x04 u32 Local Blackboard Parameters Offset
0x24 0x04 u32 String Pool Offset
0x28 0x04 u32 Enum Resolve Array Offset
0x2C 0x04 u32 Immediate Parameters Offset
0x30 0x04 u32 Resident Update Array Offset
0x34 0x04 u32 Input/Output Parameters Offset
0x38 0x04 u32 Multi-Parameters Array Offset
0x3C 0x04 u32 Attachment Parameters Offset
0x40 0x04 u32 Attachment Parameters Index Array Offset
0x44 0x04 u32 Expression Binary Section Offset
0x48 0x04 u32 Child Replacement Table Offset
0x4C 0x04 u32 Precondition Node Array Offset
0x50 0x04 u32 Unknown (unused in TotK, always the same as the Resident Update Array Offset)
0x54 0x04 u32 Unknown (always 0)
0x58 0x04 u32 Unknown (always 0, used in Splatoon 3/Nintendo Switch Sports)
0x5C 0x04 u32 Embedded AINB Files Offset
0x60 0x04 u32 File Category Name Offset
0x64 0x04 u32 File Category (0 = AI, 1 = Logic, 2 = Sequence) - only TotK
0x68 0x04 u32 Entry Strings Offset (purpose unknown)
0x6C 0x04 u32 Unknown (Unused in TotK)
0x70 0x04 u32 File Identification Hashes Offset (Purpose Unknown)

Command Array

The command array immediately follows the file header and is an array of all commands in the file.

Command Entry
Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x04 u32 Command Name Offset
0x04 0x10 u32 GUID
0x14 0x02 u16 Left Node Index
0x16 0x02 u16 Right Node Index (one greater than the corresponding node index)

Command GUIDs are only used for debug messages. Right Node Index will be -1 if the command only has one child node.

Node Array

The node array immediately follows the command array and is an array of all nodes in the file.

Node Entry
Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x02 u16 Node Type Enum (see below)
0x02 0x02 u16 Node Index
0x04 0x02 u16 Attachment Parameters Count
0x06 0x01 bitfield Node Flags
0x07 0x01 u8
0x08 0x04 u32 Node Type Name Offset (for UserDefined nodes)
0x0C 0x04 u32 Name Hash (version 0x407 only)
0x10 0x04 u32
0x14 0x04 u32 Node Body Offset (relative to the start of the file)
0x18 0x02 u16 EXB Function Count
0x1A 0x02 u16 EXB Input/Output Field Size
0x1C 0x02 u16 Multi-Param Count
0x1E 0x02 u16
0x20 0x04 u32 Base Attachment Parameter Index
0x24 0x02 u16 Base Precondition Node
0x26 0x02 u16 Precondition Node Count
0x28 0x02 u16 0x58 Section Entry Offset (relative to the start of the file)
0x2A 0x02 u16
0x2C 0x10 u32 GUID

Just like with commands, node GUIDs are only used for debug messages. The 0x58 section entry offset will be empty if unused.

Node Types
Value (Hex) Value (Dec) Node Type
0x00 0 UserDefined
0x01 1 Element_S32Selector
0x02 2 Element_Sequential
0x03 3 Element_Simultaneous
0x04 4 Element_F32Selector
0x05 5 Element_StringSelector
0x06 6 Element_RandomSelector
0x07 7 Element_BoolSelector
0x08 8 Element_Fork
0x09 9 Element_Join
0x0A 10 Element_Alert
0x14 20 Element_Expression
0x64 100 Element_ModuleIF_Input_S32
0x65 101 Element_ModuleIF_Input_F32
0x66 102 Element_ModuleIF_Input_Vec3f
0x67 103 Element_ModuleIF_Input_String
0x68 104 Element_ModuleIF_Input_Bool
0x69 105 Element_ModuleIF_Input_Ptr
0xC8 200 Element_ModuleIF_Output_S32
0xC9 201 Element_ModuleIF_Output_F32
0xCA 202 Element_ModuleIF_Output_Vec3f
0xCB 203 Element_ModuleIF_Output_String
0xCC 204 Element_ModuleIF_Output_Bool
0xCD 205 Element_ModuleIF_Output_Ptr
0x012C 300 Element_ModuleIF_Child
0x0190 400 Element_StateEnd
0x01F4 500 Element_SplitTiming

Node type names are official. For UserDefined nodes, node definitions can be found in a node definition files. This file is located at NodeDefinition/Node.Product.[ver].aidefn.byml.zs in the corresponding file category folder.

Node Type Descriptions
Type Description
UserDefined Custom node type, definition in NodeDefinition
Element_S32Selector Conditionally links to a node depending on the value of a signed int
Element_Sequential Links to nodes sequentially in the order listed
Element_Simultaneous Links simultaneously to multiple nodes
Element_F32Selector Conditionally links to a node depending on the value of 32-bit float
Element_StringSelector Conditionally links to a node depending on the value of a string
Element_RandomSelector Links to a node randomly
Element_BoolSelector Conditionally links to a node depending on the value of a bool
Element_Fork See Resident Update Array
Element_Join See Resident Update Array
Element_Alert Displays a debug message
Element_Expression Passes values to and from EXB commands
Element_ModuleIF_Input_S32 Passes a signed int as output to another node as input
Element_ModuleIF_Input_F32 Passes a 32-bit float as output to another node as input
Element_ModuleIF_Input_Vec3f Passes a vector3f as output to another node as input
Element_ModuleIF_Input_String Passes a string as output to another node as input
Element_ModuleIF_Input_Bool Passes a boolean int as output to another node as input
Element_ModuleIF_Input_Ptr Passes a pointer as output to another node as input
Element_ModuleIF_Output_S32 Passes a signed int as output to another node as output
Element_ModuleIF_Output_F32 Passes a 32-bit float as output to another node as output
Element_ModuleIF_Output_Vec3f Passes a vector3f as output to another node as output
Element_ModuleIF_Output_String Passes a string as output to another node as output
Element_ModuleIF_Output_Bool Passes a boolean int as output to another node as output
Element_ModuleIF_Output_Ptr Passes a pointer as output to another node as output
Element_ModuleIF_Child Unsure, appears to just be a node connected to a ModuleIF node as a child node
Element_StateEnd Termination node
Element_SplitTiming Changes when child nodes are run (Enter - first time visiting a node, Update - every frame, Leave - ran upon leaving the node)
Node Flags
Bits Description
1 Is Precondition Node
1 Is External AINB File
1 Is Resident Node

Local Blackboard Parameters

This section contains an array of the Blackboard parameters used by file. These parameters may be sourced from external Blackboards or parameter files. The section begins with a 0x30 byte section header followed by the array of parameters, an array of default values of said parameters, and an array of file references if applicable. The order of parameters is in the order of string, int, float, bool, vector3f, and pointer. The section header contains six entries, one for each type.

Section Header Entry
Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x02 u16 Number of Entries of the Corresponding Data Type
0x02 0x02 u16 Parameter Index of the First Entry of the Corresponding Data Type
0x04 0x02 u16 Relative Offset of the First Entry of the Corresponding Data Type
0x06 0x02 u16
Local Blackboard Parameter Entry
Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x04 bitfield Name Offset and Flags
0x04 0x04 u32 String Offset (Notes)
Name Offset Flags
Bits Description
22 Name Offset
1 Does Not Have File Reference
7 File Reference Index
1 Is File Reference Valid

The default value entries vary based on the parameter's data type. For int and float parameters, the entry is a four byte immediate value. String entries are a four byte string value offset. Bool entries are a single byte immediate value and vector3f entries are 12 bytes. Note that pointer parameters do not have default value entries and do not have default values.

File Reference Entry
Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x04 u32 File Path Offset
0x04 0x04 u32 File Path Hash
0x08 0x04 u32 Unknown Hash
0x0C 0x04 u32 Unknown Hash

Node Bodies

Each node body is composed of two parts: a 0x90 byte parameter section and a 0x14 child node section header followed by said section if applicable. The child node section contains information about the child node and specific connection types. The following parameter indices are indices into the parameter array for that specific type and data type.

Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x04 u32 Int Immediate Parameter Base Index
0x04 0x04 u32 Int Immediate Parameter Count
0x08 0x04 u32 Bool Immediate Parameter Base Index
0x0C 0x04 u32 Bool Immediate Parameter Count
0x10 0x04 u32 Float Immediate Parameter Base Index
0x14 0x04 u32 Float Immediate Parameter Count
0x18 0x04 u32 String Immediate Parameter Base Index
0x1C 0x04 u32 String Immediate Parameter Count
0x20 0x04 u32 Vector3f Immediate Parameter Base Index
0x24 0x04 u32 Vector3f Immediate Parameter Count
0x28 0x04 u32 Pointer Immediate Parameter Base Index
0x2C 0x04 u32 Pointer Immediate Parameter Count
0x30 0x04 u32 Int Input Parameter Base Index
0x34 0x04 u32 Int Input Parameter Count
0x38 0x04 u32 Int Output Parameter Base Index
0x3C 0x04 u32 Int Output Parameter Count
0x40 0x04 u32 Bool Input Parameter Base Index
0x44 0x04 u32 Bool Input Parameter Count
0x48 0x04 u32 Bool Output Parameter Base Index
0x4C 0x04 u32 Bool Output Parameter Count
0x50 0x04 u32 Float Input Parameter Base Index
0x54 0x04 u32 Float Input Parameter Count
0x58 0x04 u32 Float Output Parameter Base Index
0x5C 0x04 u32 Float Output Parameter Count
0x60 0x04 u32 String Input Parameter Base Index
0x64 0x04 u32 String Input Parameter Count
0x68 0x04 u32 String Output Parameter Base Index
0x6C 0x04 u32 String Output Parameter Count
0x70 0x04 u32 Vector3f Input Parameter Base Index
0x74 0x04 u32 Vector3f Input Parameter Count
0x78 0x04 u32 Vector3f Output Parameter Base Index
0x7C 0x04 u32 Vector3f Output Parameter Count
0x80 0x04 u32 Pointer Input Parameter Base Index
0x84 0x04 u32 Pointer Input Parameter Count
0x88 0x04 u32 Pointer Output Parameter Base Index
0x8C 0x04 u32 Pointer Output Parameter Count
Child Node Section Header
Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x01 u8 Bool/float Input Source Node/Output Source Node Count
0x01 0x01 u8 Bool/float Input Source Node/Output Source Node Base Index
0x02 0x01 u8 Unknown Connection Type Count (Unused in TotK)
0x03 0x01 u8 Unknown Connection Type Base Index (Unused TotK)
0x04 0x01 u8 Standard Child Node Count
0x05 0x01 u8 Standard Child Node Base Index
0x06 0x01 u8 Resident Update Node Count
0x07 0x01 u8 Resident Update Base Index
0x08 0x01 u8 String Input Source Node Count
0x09 0x01 u8 String Input Source Node Base Index
0x0A 0x01 u8 Int Input Source Node Count
0x0B 0x01 u8 Int Input Source Node Base Index
0x0C 0x01 u8 Unknown Connection Type Count (Unused in TotK)
0x0D 0x01 u8 Unknown Connection Type Base Index (Unused TotK)
0x0E 0x01 u8 Unknown Connection Type Count (Unused in TotK)
0x0F 0x01 u8 Unknown Connection Type Base Index (Unused TotK)
0x10 0x01 u8 Unknown Connection Type Count (Unused in TotK)
0x11 0x01 u8 Unknown Connection Type Base Index (Unused TotK)
0x12 0x01 u8 Unknown Connection Type Count (Unused in TotK)
0x13 0x01 u8 Unknown Connection Type Base Index (Unused TotK)

If the node has any child nodes, the section header is followed by an array of u32 offsets to each of the child node entries. For most nodes, each entry is eight bytes.

Child Node Entry
Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x04 u32 Child Node Index
0x04 0x04 u32 Value

The interpretation of the value depends on the connection type. For input or output connections, the value is a string offset to the parameter name. For standard connections, the value is a string offset to the connection name. For resident update connections, the value is an index into the resident update array. Certain node/connection types will also extend the entry length. Selector-type nodes excluding Element_BoolSelector and Element_F32Selector will have an extra four bytes which stores the condition for to link to the child node. For Element_S32Selector, this is an immediate value. For Element_RandomSelector, this is a weight and for Element_StringSelector it is a u32 string offset. The condition for Element_BoolSelector is the entry's value string. Element_F32Selector adds 24 bytes to each entry, consisting of four eight-byte sub-entries.

Element_F32Selector Condition Entry
Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x04 u32 Local Blackboard Parameter Index and Flags
0x04 0x04 float Condition Value

The first two bytes of the four bytes at offset 0x00 are the local blackboard parameter index while the last bit is whether or not the index is used or not. The first entry for Element_F32Selector is the minimum value condition while the second entry is the maximum value condition. The last two entries appear to be unused. The last child node entry for Selector-type nodes is the default case. The condition for this case is either a string offset to the string その他 ("Other") or 0 (in the case of Element_S32Selector). Input nodes that are Selector-type nodes also appear to have an additional eight bytes (purpose unknown). Element_Expression have an additional eight bytes per input node (16 bytes in the case of vector3f entries). The purpose of these bytes is unknown.

Attachment Parameters

This section contains an array of attachments for nodes. This section is preceded by the attachment index array which is an array of u32 indices into the entries in this section. Nodes contain an index into the index array rather than directly into this section. The section contains an array of entries followed by an array of parameter entries.

Attachment Parameter Entry
Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x04 u32 Name Offset
0x04 0x04 u32 Parameters Entry Offset
0x08 0x02 u16 EXB Function Count
0x0A 0x02 u16 EXB Input/Output Field Size
0x0C 0x04 u32 Name Hash (version 0x0407 only)
Parameter Entry
Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x04 u32 Unknown (possibly related to debug)
0x04 0x04 u32 Int Immediate Parameter Base Index
0x08 0x04 u32 Int Immediate Parameter Count
0x0C 0x04 u32 Bool Immediate Parameter Base Index
0x10 0x04 u32 Bool Immediate Parameter Count
0x14 0x04 u32 Float Immediate Parameter Base Index
0x18 0x04 u32 Float Immediate Parameter Count
0x1C 0x04 u32 String Immediate Parameter Base Index
0x20 0x04 u32 String Immediate Parameter Count
0x24 0x04 u32 Vector3f Immediate Parameter Base Index
0x28 0x04 u32 Vector3f Immediate Parameter Count
0x2C 0x04 u32 Pointer Immediate Parameter Base Index
0x30 0x04 u32 Pointer Immediate Parameter Count
0x34 0x04 u32
0x38 0x04 u32 Unknown (contains address to next entry)
0x3C 0x04 u32
0x40 0x04 u32 Unknown (contains address to next entry)
0x44 0x04 u32
0x48 0x04 u32 Unknown (contains address to next entry)
0x4C 0x04 u32
0x50 0x04 u32 Unknown (contains address to next entry)
0x54 0x04 u32
0x58 0x04 u32 Unknown (contains address to next entry)
0x5C 0x04 u32
0x60 0x04 u32 Unknown (contains address to next entry)

Immediate Parameters

This section contains an array of immediate parameters for nodes. The section begins with a six u32 relative offsets to the first entry for each data type. The data type order for this section is int, bool, float, string, vector3f, and pointer.

Parameter Entry
Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x04 u32 Name Offset
0x04 0x04 u32 Flags
0x08 Value

The value is an immediate value for the data type (excluding string which is a string offset and pointer which doesn't store a value). Pointer entries also have an additional u32 class name offset at offset 0x04, pushing the flags to offset 0x08.

Parameter Flags
Bits Description
16 Source Index
1 Is Use Index
1 Is Not Local Blackboard Index
1 Is EXB Index
1 Pulse Thread Local Storage
1 Set Pointer Flag Bit Zero

Input/Output Parameters

This section contains an array of input and output parameter entries. Similarly to the immediate parameters section, the section begins with u32 relative offsets to the first entry of each data type. However, instead of six offsets, there are 12 - two for each data type (one input, one output). The order of parameters in this section is int input, int output, bool input, bool output, float intput, float output, string input, string output, vector3f input, vector3f output, pointer input, and pointer output.

Input Parameter Entry
Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x04 u32 Name Offset
0x04 0x02 s16 Input Child Node Index / Multi-Parameter Array Base Index
0x06 0x02 s16 Input/Output Source Node Index / Multi-Parameter Count
0x08 0x04 u32 Flags
0x0C Default Value

The default value is an immediate value for the data type (excluding string which is a string offset and pointer which is always an empty four bytes). Pointer entries also have an additional u32 class name offset at offset 0x04, pushing the rest of the entry back by four bytes. If the input child node index is between -32768 and -100, it corresponds to a multi-parameter array index. The multi-parameter index can be calculated as follows: MultiParamIndex = -100 - Index.

Parameter Flags
Bits Description
16 Source Index
1 Is Use Index
1 Is Not Local Blackboard Index
1 Is EXB Index
1 Pulse Thread Local Storage
1 Set Pointer Flag Bit Zero

Each output parameter entry is four bytes.

Output Parameter Entry
Bits Description
31 Name Offset
1 Set Pointer Flag Bit Zero


This section contains entries specifying parameters that have multiple values and the sources of those values. Each entry is eight bytes.

Multi-Parameter Entry
Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x02 u16 Node Index
0x02 0x02 u16 Input/Output Source Parameter Index
0x04 0x04 u32 Flags
Parameter Flags
Bits Description
16 Source Index
1 Is Use Index
1 Is Not Local Blackboard Index
1 Is EXB Index
1 Pulse Thread Local Storage
1 Set Pointer Flag Bit Zero

Resident Update Array

This section is an array of entries for resident nodes that are updated mid-node update sequence. The first four bytes specify the number of entries. Each entry is four bytes.

Bits Description
8 Is Valid Update
1 Update Post Current Command Calculation

If the first byte of the flags is set to false, then the entry contains another four bytes with a string offset (purpose unknown). By default, the node is scheduled to update pre-next command calculation, however, this can change depending on the flags set. Additionally, Fork and Join nodes behave differently. Fork nodes will append the node to the run array while Join nodes will update the node post-current command calculation.

0x50 Section

This section is unused in Tears of the Kingdom.

Precondition Nodes Array

This section is an array of entries of precondition nodes present in the file.

Precondition Node Entry
Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x02 u16 Precondition Node Index (local to number of precondition nodes)
0x02 0x02 u16

Expression Binary Section

The EXB (Expression Binary) section is a completely self-contained section that stores custom instructions for a simple command processor. These instructions are grouped into functions that can be called by nodes to perform calculations. Because the section is self-contained, all offsets in this section are local to the section. The EXB section is shared with ASB files (Animation Sequence Binary).

Section Structure

EXB is essentially its own format and allows for the storage of custom functions in files.

Section Order
  1. 0x2C-Byte Header
  2. Command Info Table
  3. Instructions Table
  4. Parameter Region
  5. Signature Table
  6. String Pool
EXB Header
Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x04 char[4] Magic - “EXB “
0x04 0x04 u32 Version (0x02)
0x08 0x04 u32 Static Memory Allocation Size
0x0C 0x04 u32 Parameter EXB Field Entry Count
0x10 0x04 u32 32-bit Scratch Allocation Size
0x14 0x04 u32 64-bit Scratch Allocation Size
0x18 0x04 u32 Command Info Offset
0x1C 0x04 u32 Command Table Offset
0x20 0x04 u32 Signature Table Offset
0x24 0x04 u32 Parameter Region Offset
0x28 0x04 u32 String Pool Offset
Command Info Table

This section contains an array of command (function) info entries. The first four bytes specify the entry count.

Command Info Entry
Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x04 s32 Base Index Pre-Command Entry
0x04 0x04 u32 Pre-Entry Static Memory Usage
0x08 0x04 u32 Instruction Base Index
0x0C 0x04 u32 Instruction Count
0x10 0x04 u32 Static Memory Size
0x14 0x02 u16 32-bit Scratch Memory Size
0x16 0x02 u16 64-bit Scratch Memory Size
0x18 0x02 u16 Output Data Type Enum
0x1A 0x02 u16 Input Data Type Enum
Data Type Enum
Value (Hex) Value (Dec) Data Type
0x0 0 No Data
0x1 1 Immediate Value/From User
0x02 2 bool
0x03 3 int
0x04 4 float
0x05 5 string
0x06 6 vector3f
Instructions Table

This section contains an array of instruction entries which are read by the EXB command processor. The first four bytes specify the entry count.

Instruction Entry
Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x01 u8 Instruction Type
0x01 0x01 u8 Data Type Enum
0x02 0x01 u8 Left-Hand Side Parameter Source Enum
0x03 0x01 u8 Right-Hand Side Parameter Source Enum
0x04 0x02 u16 Left-Hand Side Parameter Value
0x06 0x02 u16 Right-Hand Side Parameter Value

For UserDefined type instructions, the bytes at offset 0x02-0x04 become a u16 static memory index and the bytes at 0x04-0x08 become a u32 index into the function signatures table.

Instruction Types
Value (Hex) Value (Dec) Instruction Type
0x01 1 Terminator
0x02 2 Store
0x03 3 Negate
0x04 4 NegateBool
0x05 5 Add
0x06 6 Subtract
0x07 7 Multiply
0x08 8 Divide
0x09 9 Modulus
0x0A 10 Increment
0x0B 11 Decrement
0x0C 12 ScalarMultiplyVec3f
0x0D 13 ScalarDivideVec3f
0x0E 14 LeftShift
0x0F 15 RightShift
0x10 16 LessThan
0x11 17 LessThanEqual
0x12 18 GreaterThan
0x13 19 GreaterThanEqual
0x14 20 Equal
0x15 21 NotEqual
0x16 22 AND
0x17 23 XOR
0x18 24 OR
0x19 25 LogicalAND
0x1A 26 LogicalOR
0x1B 27 UserFunction
0x1C 28 JumpIfLHSZero
0x1D 29 Jump

UserFunctions are mapped to a function in the executable by function signature. There are two types of these functions: direct and object. Direct functions are straightforward functions that take up to two arguments and are matched using the function signature. Function objects can take additional arguments and are indexed at runtime.

Data Type Enum
Value (Hex) Value (Dec) Data Type
0x0 0 No Data
0x1 1 Immediate Value/From User
0x02 2 bool
0x03 3 int
0x04 4 float
0x05 5 string
0x06 6 vector3f
Parameter Source Enum
Value (Hex) Value (Dec) Parameter Source
0x00 0 Immediate Parameters
0x01 1 Immediate Parameters (String)
0x02 2 Static Memory
0x03 3 Parameters Region
0x04 4 Parameters Region (String)
0x05 5 Output Value
0x06 6 Input Value
0x07 7 32-bit Scratch
0x08 8 64-bit Scratch
0x09 9 UserOutput
0x0A 10 UserInput

UserCallback is a class that contains virtual functions providing memory allocation. The input value is passed from the calling node and the output value is passed back.

Parameter Region

The parameter region is a region that stores the values for parameters values that are too large to fit into two bytes. Parameters that get their values from this section instead store an offset relative to the beginning of the parameter region to the start of the value.

Signatures Table

This section is an array of u32 string offsets for each function signature.

String Pool

The string pool is an array of null-terminated strings encoded with UTF-8. All string offsets in this section are relative to the beginning of the string pool.

Embedded AINB Files

This section contains an array of all external AINB files linked to the current AINB file. The first four bytes specify the entry count.

Embedded AINB File Entry
Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x04 u32 File Path Offset
0x04 0x04 u32 File Category Offset
0x08 0x04 u32 AINB File Count

Entry Strings

The purpose of this section is unknown. The first four bytes specify the entry count.

Entry String Entry
Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x04 u32 Node Index
0x04 0x04 u32 String 1 Offset (always メインステート ("Main State"))
0x08 0x04 u32 State Name Offset

File Hashes

This section contains two 32-bit file hashes. The first hash is a hash for the file itself and the second hash appears to be a hash for that file's parent file. The purpose of these hashes is unclear.

Child Replacement Table

This section is used to remove or replace specific nodes or attachments at runtime. This is used to toggle of debug nodes/attachments for release builds. The section begins with an eight-byte section header.

Child Replacement Section Header
Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x01 u8 Initialization Guard (Is Initialized)
0x01 0x01 u8
0x02 0x02 u16 Replacement Count
0x04 0x02 s16 Override Node Count
0x06 0x02 s16 Override Attachment Parameter Count
Child Replacement Table Entry
Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x01 u8 Replacement Type Enum (0 = remove child node, 1 = replace child node, 2 = remove attachment)
0x01 0x01 u8
0x02 0x02 u16 Node Index
0x04 0x02 u16 Child Node Index/Attachment Index
0x06 0x02 u16 New Node Index (for child node replacements)

0x6C Section

This section is unused in Tears of the Kingdom.

Enum Resolve Array

This section is used to resolve enum values at runtime. This section is unused in Tears of the Kingdom as all enum values are statically present in the file. However, in Splatoon 3, this section is used extensively as all enum values are stored in the main executable. The first four bytes of this section specifies the number of entries in the section.

Enum Resolve Array Entry
Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x04 u32 Enum Value Offset
0x04 0x04 u32 Enum Class Name Offset
0x08 0x04 u32 Enum Value Name Offset

String Pool

The string pool is an array of null-terminated strings encoded with UTF-8. All string offsets in the file are relative to the first byte of this section.