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nn::ui2d provides the Binary Cafe Layout file format to define the layout of ui elements.

Header (FLYT)

Standard ui2d header.

There are 23 possible section types:

Name Magic Description
User Data usd1 User Data for the previous section, can contain special SystemData structures that extend functionality
Layout lyt1 The headlining section for the Layout
Texture List txl1 A list of all textures used in the Layout
Font List fnl1 A list of all fonts used in the Layout
Material List mat1 All the materials used in the Layout
Capture Texture List ctl1 A list of all capture textures used in the Layout
Vector Graphics Texture List vgl1 A list of all vector graphics textures used in the Layout
Pane Start pas1 The start of a tree of panes, panes become children of last pane
Pane End pae1 The end of a tree of panes
Pane pan1 A default pane
Picture Pane pic1 A pane that can contain images
TextBox Pane txt1 A pane that can contain text
Window Pane wnd1 A pane that contain a frame and multiple images
Parts Pane prt1 A pane that can contain a sub layout
Alignment Pane ali1 A pane that aligns it's children
Capture Pane cpt1 A pane that captures it's children
Bounding Pane bnd1 A pane that can be used in hit detection
Scissor Pane scr1 A pane that scissors it's children
Group Start grs1 The start of a group
Group End gre1 The end of a group
Group grp1 A group
Control Source cnt1 The control source class and related for the layout
State Machine stm1 A state machine

Layout (lyt1)

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x8 Ui2d Section Header Magic: "lyt1"
0x8 0x1 u8 Is Centered
0x9 0x3 u24 Unknown/Reserved
0xc 0x4 float Width
0x10 0x4 float Height
0x14 0x4 float PartsWidth
0x18 0x4 float PartsHeight
0x1c variable char[] Name

Layout SystemData

Name EnumValue Description
AnimTagName 0x0 Animation names?


Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x4 u32 String Count
0x4 0x4 * String Count u32 Anim Name String Offset Array

Texture List (txl1)

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x8 Ui2d Section Header Magic: "txl1"
0x8 0x2 u16 Texture Count
0xa 0x2 u16 Unknown/Reserved
0x4 0x4 * Texture Count u32 Texture Name Offset Array

Font List (fnt1)

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x8 Ui2d Section Header Magic: "fnt1"
0x8 0x2 u16 Font Count
0xa 0x2 u16 Unknown/Reserved
0x4 0x4 * Font Count u32 Font Name Offset Array

Material List (mat1)

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x8 Ui2d Section Header Magic: "mat1"
0x8 0x2 u16 Material Count
0xa 0x2 u16 Unknown/Reserved
0x4 0x4 * Material Count u32 Material Data Offset Array

Material Memory

The layout of material memory is defined by this bitfield.

Bitfield Size Description
0x2 Texture Map Count
0x2 Texture SRT (Scale Rotation Translation) Count
0x2 Texture Coordinate Gen Count
0x3 Tev (Texture Environment) Combiner Count
0x1 Alpha Compare Count
0x1 Color Blend Mode Count
0x1 Unknown/Reserved
0x1 Color And Alpha Blend Mode Count
0x1 Unknown/Reserved
0x1 Rotate Vector Count
0x2 Projection Texture Gen Count
0x1 Font Color 2 Count
0x1 Unknown/Reserved
0x1 Detailed Combiner Count
0x1 User Combiner Count
0x1 Texture Extensions Count
0x2 Vector Texture Info Count
0x2 Brick Repeat Shader Info Count
0x6 Unknown/Reserved

The order of appearance of Material Data structures are as follows:

Material Data
Texture Map
Texture Extensions
Texture SRT
Texture Coordinate Gen
Tev Combiner
Alpha Compare
Blend Mode
Rotate Vector
Projection Texture Gen
Font Color 2
User Combiner
Vector Texture Info
Brick Repeat Shader Info

Material Color Type

Name EnumValue Description
Color4u8 0x0 Material Color data offsets point to a Color4u8
Color4f 0x1 Material Color data offsets point to a Color4f

Material Color Data

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x1 u8 Color Type
0x1 0x1 u8 Color Count
0x2 0x1 * Color Count u8 Color Offsets
(Color4u8) 0x4 * Color Count

(Color4f) 0xc * Color Count



Color Array

Material Data

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x1c char[0x1c] Material name
0x1c 0x4 Material Memory Material memory bitfield
0x20 variable MaterialColorData Material color data

Texture Map

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x2 u16 Texture Index
0x2 0x1 Texture UV Options U Options
0x3 0x1 Texture UV Options V Options
Texture UV Options
Bitfield Size Description
0x2 Wrap Mode
0x2 Filter
0x4 Unknown/Reserved

Texture Extensions

Bitfield Size Description
0x1 Is Capture Texture
0x1 Is Vector Graphics Texture
0x1e Unknown/Reserved

Texture SRT

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x8 Vector2f Translation
0x8 0x4 float Rotation
0xc 0x8 Vector2f Scale

Texture Coordinate Gen (TODO)

Tev Combiner (TODO)

Alpha Compare

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x1 u8 Alpha Test Function
0x1 0x3 u24 Unknown/Reserved
0x4 0x1 float Alpha Compare Reference
Alpha Test Function
Name Enum Value Description
Never 0x0
LessThan 0x1
LessThanEqual 0x2
Equal 0x3
NotEqual 0x4
GreaterEqual 0x5
Greater 0x6
Always 0x7

Blend Mode

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x1 u8 Blend Equation
0x1 0x1 u8 Blend Function Source
0x2 0x1 u8 Blend Function Destination
0x3 0x1 u8 Logic Operation
Blend Equation
Name Enum Value Description
Invalid 0x0
Add 0x1
Sub 0x2
ReverseSub 0x3
Min 0x4
Max 0x5
Blend Function
Name Enum Value Description
Zero 0x0
One 0x1
Destination Color 0x2
Destination Color Minus One 0x3
Source Alpha 0x4
Source Alpha Minus One 0x5
Destination Alpha 0x6
Destination Alpha Minus One 0x7
Source Color 0x8
Source Color Minus One 0x9
Logic Operation
Name Enum Value Description
Invalid 0x0
NoOp 0x1
Clear 0x2
Set 0x3
Copy 0x4
CopyInverted 0x5
Invert 0x6
And 0x7
Nand 0x8
Or 0x9
Nor 0xa
Xor 0xb
Equivalent 0xc
AndReverse 0xd
AndInverted 0xe
OrReverse 0xf
OrInverted 0x10

Rotate Vector (TODO)

Projection Texture Gen (TODO)

Font Color 2 (TODO)

Detailed Combiner (TODO)

User Combiner (TODO)

Vector Texture Info (TODO)

Brick Repeat Shader Info (TODO)

Capture Texture List (TODO)

Vector Graphics Texture List (TODO)

Pane Start

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x8 Ui2d Section Header Magic: "pas1"

Pane End

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x8 Ui2d Section Header Magic: "pae1"

Pane (pan1)

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x8 Ui2d Section Header Magic: "pan1"
0x8 0x1 u8 Pane Flags
0x9 0x1 u8 Origin Bitfield
0xa 0x1 u8 Alpha
0xb 0x1 u8 FlagEx
0xc 0x18 char[0x18] Pane name
0x24 0x8 char[0x8] User name
0x2c 0xc Vector3f Translation
0x28 0xc Vector3f Rotation
0x44 0x8 Vector2f Scale
0x4c 0x8 Vector2f Size

Pane System Data

0x10 onwards is runtime appended user data.

Note; 0-2 use unofficial names
Name Enum Value Description
QuadScale0 0
QuadScale1 1
AlignmentOptions 2
MaskTexture 3
DropShadow 4
ProceduralShape 6
PaneEffect 0x11
ProceduralShapeRuntime 0x12
StateMachine 0x13
Reserve0 0x14
Root 0x15

Picture Pane (pic1)

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x54 Pane Magic: "pic1"
0x54 0x4 Color4u8 Vertex Color Top Left
0x58 0x4 Color4u8 Vertex Color Top Right
0x5c 0x4 Color4u8 Vertex Color Bottom Left
0x60 0x4 Color4u8 Vertex Color Bottom Right
0x64 0x2 u16 Material Index
0x66 0x1 u8 Texture Count
0x67 0x1 u8 Is Shape
0x68 0x20 Texture UV Texture UV Array
Texture UV
Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x8 Vector2f Top Left
0x8 0x8 Vector2f Top Right
0x10 0x8 Vector2f Bottom Left
0x18 0x8 Vector2f Bottom Right

TextBox Pane (txt1)

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x54 Pane Magic: "pic1"
0x54 0x2 u16 Text Buffer Size
0x56 0x2 u16 Text Length
0x58 0x2 u16 Material Index
0x5a 0x2 u16 Font Index
0x5c 0x1 u8 Text Origin
0x5d 0x1 u8 Line Alignment
0x5e 0x2 u16 Flags
0x60 0x4 float Italic Tilt
0x64 0x4 u32 Text Offset
0x68 0x4 Color4u8 Font Top Color
0x6c 0x4 Color4u8 Font Bottom Color
0x70 0x8 Vector2f Font Size
0x78 0x4 float Character Space
0x7c 0x4 float Line Space
0x80 0x4 u32 Label Offset
0x84 0x8 Vector2f Shadow Translation
0x8c 0x8 Vector2f Shadow Size
0x94 0x4 Color4u8 Shadow Top Color
0x98 0x4 Color4u8 Shadow Bottom Color
0x9c 0x4 float Shadow Italic Tilt
0xa0 0x4 u32 Line Transform Offset
0xa4 0x4 u32 Per Character Transform Offset

Line Transform (TODO)

Per Character Transform (TODO)

Window Pane (TODO)

Parts Pane

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x54 Pane Magic: "prt1"
0x54 0x4 u32 Property Count
0x58 0x8 Vector2f Magnification
0x60 0x28 * Property Count Parts Property Property Array

Parts Property

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x18 char[0x18] Property Name
0x18 0x1 u8 Usage Flag
0x19 0x1 u8 Basic Usage Flag
0x1a 0x1 u8 Material Usage Flag
0x1b 0x1 u8 Reserved
0x1c 0x4 u32 Pane Offset
0x20 0x4 u32 User Data Offset
0x24 0x4 u32 Pane Basic Info Offset

Parts Pane Basic Info

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x8 char[0x8] User Name
0x8 0xc Vector3f Position
0x14 0xc Vector3f Rotation
0x20 0x8 Vector2f Scale
0x28 0x8 Vector2f Size
0x30 0x1 u8 Pane Alpha

Alignment Pane

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x54 Pane Magic: "ali1"

Capture Pane

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x54 Pane Magic: "cpt1"

Bounding Pane

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x54 Pane Magic: "bnd1"

Scissor Pane

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x54 Pane Magic: "scr1"

Group Start

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x8 Ui2d Section Header Magic: "grs1"

Group End

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x8 Ui2d Section Header Magic: "gre1"


Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x8 Ui2d Section Header Magic: "grp1"
0x8 0x21 char[0x21] Group Name
0x29 0x1 u8 Reserved
0x2a 0x2 u16 Pane Count
0x2c 0x18 * Pane Count char[ChildCount][0x18] Pane Name Array

Control Source

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x8 Ui2d Section Header Magic: "cnt1"
0x8 0x4 u32 Name Offset
0xc 0x4 u32 Name Array Offset
0x10 0x2 u16 Pane Count
0x12 0x2 u16 Anim Count
0x14 0x4 u32 Pane Name Offset Array Offset
0x18 0x4 u32 Anim Name Offset Array Offset
0x1c char[] Control Name