Common Phive

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Common Phive Header
Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x6 char[6] Magic ("Phive\x00")
0x06 0x1 u8 Reserve
0x07 0x1 u8 Reserve
0x08 0x2 u16 Byte Order Mark
0x0A 0x1 u8 Phive File Type
0x0B 0x1 u8 Max Section Capacity (N)
0x0C 0x4 * N u32 * N Section Offset Array
0x0C + 0x4 * N 0x4 * N u32 * N Section Size Array

The header is padded to 0x10 bytes. The last non-empty offset in the section offset array is the file size. While the header structure is identical across all Phive formats (with the exception of BPHHB which is just an AAMP file), the sections contained will vary from format to format.

Phive File Types

Phive File Types
Value (Dec) Value (Hex) File Type
0 0x0 Shape
1 0x1 NavMesh
2 0x2 StaticCompound
3 0x3 Cloth