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nn::ui2d provides the Binary Cafe Layout Animation file format to store animations for Bflyt files.


Standard ui2d header.

There are 3 top level sections, Animation Tag (pat1), Animation Info (pai1), and Animation Share (pah1).

Animation Tag

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x8 Ui2d Section Header Magic: "pat1"
0x8 0x2 u16 Tag Order
0xa 0x2 u16 Group Count
0xc 0x4 u32 Name Offset
0x10 0x4 u32 Group Array Offset
0x14 0x4 u32 User Data List Section Offset
0x18 0x2 u16 Start Frame
0x1a 0x2 u16 End Frame

Animation Group

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x21 char[0x21] GroupName
0x21 0x1 u8 Unknown Flag
0x22 0x2 u16 Unknown/Reserved

Animation Info

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x8 Ui2d Section Header Magic: "pai1"
0x8 0x2 u16 Frame count
0xa 0x1 u8 Is looping
0xb 0x1 u8 Unknown/Reserved
0xc 0x2 u16 Texture count
0xe 0x2 u16 Animation Content count
0x10 0x4 u32 Animation Content offset array offset (u32 array of offsets to AnimationContent)
0x14 0x4 * Texture Count u32 Texture name offset array

Animation Target

Name Enum Value Description
Pane 0x0 Animation targets Panes
Material 0x1 Animation targets Materials
User 0x2 Animation targets UserData
PaneExt 0x3 Seems to duplicate as Pane sometimes?
StateMachine 0x4 Animation targets StateMachine

Animation Content

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x1c char[0x1c] Animation Name
0x1c 0x1 u8 Animation Info Count
0x1d 0x1 u8 Animation Target
0x1e 0x2 u16 Unknown/Reserved
0x20 0x4 * Animation Info Count u32 Animation Info Offset Array

Animation Info Type

Name (unofficial) Magic Value Description
Per Character Transform Curve Anim FLCC
Extended User Data Anim FLEU
Per Character Transform Anim FLCT
Pane SRT (Scale Rotation Translation) Anim FLPA
Vertex Color Anim FLVC
Visibility Anim FLVI
Drop Shadow Anim FLDS
Mask Texture Anim FLMT
Procedural Shape Anim FLPS
Window Anim FLWN
State Machine Anim FSMA
Alpha Compare Anim FLAC
Font Shadow Anim FLFS
Indirect SRT Anim FLIM
Material Color Anim FLMC
Texture SRT Anim FLTS
Texture Pattern Anim FLTP
Brick Repeat Anim FTBR
Vector Graphics Anim FVGA

Animation Info

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x4 u32 Animation Info Type Magic
0x4 0x1 u8 Animation Target Count
0x5 0x3 u24 Unknown/Reserved
0x8 0x4 * Animation Target Count u32 Animation Target Offset Array

Animation Curve

Animation Curve Type
Name (unofficial) Enum Value Description
Constant 0x0 Plain float values
Step 0x1 Step key frames
Hermite 0x2 Hermite key frames
Step Key
Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x4 float Key Index
0x4 0x2 u16 Value
0x6 0x2 u16 Unknown/Reserved
Hermite Key
Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x4 float Key Index
0x4 0x4 float Value
0x8 0x4 float Slope

Animation Target

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x1 u8 Unknown/Reserved
0x1 0x1 u8 Target Index
0x2 0x1 u8 Anim Curve Type
0x3 0x1 u8 Unknown/Reserved
0x4 0x2 u16 Frame Count
0x6 0x2 u16 Unknown/Reserved
0x8 0x4 u32 Key Array Offset

Animation Share

Note; at time of writing author has not seen a Bflan with this section

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x8 Ui2d Section Header Magic: "pah1"
0x8 0x4 u32 Share Info Offset
0xc 0x2 u16 Share Info Count
0xe 0x2 u16 Unknown/Reserved