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Binary Cafe Font. nn::font in addition to supporting Open Type Fonts supports this custom bitmap font file format.


Standard ui2d header.

There are 5 section types, Font Information (FINF), Texture Glyph (TGLP), Character Width (CWDH), Code Map (CMAP), and Kerning (KRNG).

Font Information

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x8 Ui2d Section Header Magic: "FINF"
0x8 0x1 u8 Font Type
0x9 0x1 u8 Height
0xa 0x1 u8 Width
0xb 0x1 u8 Ascent
0xc 0x2 u16 Line Feed
0xe 0x2 u16 Alternate Character Index
0x10 0x3 CharacterWidthData Default Character Widths
0x13 0x1 u8 Character Encoding
0x14 0x4 u32 Texture Glyph Offset (TGLP)
0x18 0x4 u32 Character Width Offset (CWDH)
0x1c 0x4 u32 Code Map Offset (CMAP)

Font Type

Name Enum Value Description
Glyph 0x0
Texture 0x1 Not witnessed by author
PackedTexture 0x2 Not witnessed by author

Character Encoding

Name Enum Value Description
Utf16 0x0
ShiftJis 0x1
CP1252 0x2

Character Width Data

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x1 s8 Left Width
0x1 0x1 u8 Glyph Width
0x2 0x1 u8 Character Width

Texture Glyph

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x8 Ui2d Section Header Magic: "TGLP"
0x8 0x1 u8 Cell Width
0x9 0x1 u8 Cell Height
0xa 0x1 u8 Texture Count
0xb 0x1 u8 Max Character Width
0xc 0x4 u32 Per Texture Size
0x10 0x2 u16 Baseline Position
0x12 0x2 u16 Image Format
0x14 0x2 u16 Cells Per Row
0x16 0x2 u16 Cells Per Column
0x18 0x2 u16 Image Width
0x1a 0x2 u16 Image Height
0x1c 0x4 u32 Image Data Offset (Bntx)

Image Format

Name Enum Value Description
R8G8B8A8_Unorm 0x0
R8G8B8_Unorm 0x1
R5G5B5A1_Unorm 0x2
R5G6B5_Unorm 0x3
R4G4B4A4_Unorm 0x4
LA8_Unorm 0x5
LA4_Unorm 0x6
A4_Unorm 0x7
A8_Unorm 0x8
BC1_Unorm 0x9
BC2_Unorm 0xa
BC3_Unorm 0xb
BC4_Unorm 0xc
BC5_Unorm 0xd
R8G8B8A8_SRGB 0xe
BC1_SRGB 0xf
BC2_SRGB 0x10
BC3_SRGB 0x11
BC7_Unorm 0x12
BC7_SRGB 0x13

Character Width

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x8 Ui2d Section Header Magic: "CWDH"
0x8 0x2 u16 First Entry Index
0xa 0x2 u16 Last Entry Index
0xc 0x4 u32 Next Character Width Offset (CWDH)
0x10 0x3 CharacterWidthData Character Width Array

Code Map

Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x8 Ui2d Section Header Magic: "CMAP"
0x8 0x4 u32 Code Range Begin
0xc 0x4 u32 Code Range End
0x10 0x2 u16 Map Method
0x12 0x2 u16 Unknown/Reserved
0x14 0x4 u32 Next Code Map Offset (CMAP)
0x18 0x2

0x2 * Range 0x4 + 0x4 * Range


Table Scan

See below

Code Map Method

Name Enum Value Description
Direct 0x0
Table 0x1
Scan 0x2


Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x2 u16 Base Character


Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x2 * Range u16 Character


Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x2 u16 Scan Half Count
0x2 0x2 u16 Unknown/Reserved
0x4 0x4 * Range ScanEntry Scan Entry Array (sorted)
Scan Entry
Offset Size Type Description
0x0 0x2 u16 Key
0x2 0x2 u16 Code

Kerning (TODO)

This section has not yet been witnessed by author.